Industria Automovilística
La reparación automóvil es un sector también muy importante para ARO y equipamos los talleres de carrocería del mundo entero. El rendimiento y la calidad de nuestros productos combinado con un servicio técnico reactivo, nos a permitido ser un actor principal de este sector.
Cada vez que unos componentes metálicos necesitan ser ensamblado para la producción o la reparación, ARO posee el producto adecuado que le permitirá ejecutar unas soldaduras seguras, eficaces, ecológicas y más que nada: fiables.

Our Products
Robotic Weld Guns
Integrated transformer weld guns have revolutionised robotic assembly lines; tens of thousands of ARO robotic weld guns have equipped the large automotive manufacturing plants for many decades.

Manual Weld Guns
ARO innovates by proposing SERVO manual solutions. The Servo technology brings to the manual welding operations all its strong benefits - high performance, cost efficiency, and highest reliability - henceforth recognized by the automotive industry using almost 100% of Servo weld guns for robotics.

Controls & Software
ARO offers a large range of integrated welding controllers equipped with the latest technology of welding controls. From the standard AC-MFDC cabinets to the advanced concept cabinets (auto-adaptive).

Welding Components
ARO designs and manufactures its own range of transformers, Servo motors and electronic controls because they are essential components of the resistance welding process.

Stationary Weld Machines
ARO provides a large range of solutions to meet all the needs of spot, seam, butt and projection welding applications. Manufactured from standard modules, these machines are assembled in minimum time for perfect cost control.

Mobile Welders
The ARO mobile welding product range was developed with the automotive motor body repair (MBR) market firmly in mind. Today, ARO continues to innovate, providing solutions for higher production through the provision of the multi-function equipment and lower operating costs demanded by today’s automotive repair market.

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