Robotic Welding Solutions
Solution means the best combination of weld gun and controller as a cost efficient package to bring highest performance in welding.
Steel Resistance Spot Welding
The use of steel alloys such as HSS, AHSS, PHS in the BIW (body in white) construction must meet the double objective of reductions in part weights, and ensuring the integrity of the passenger compartment and the battery casing for EVs during crash tests. Reductions in sheet steel thicknesses are sought, while maintaining good performance levels as to formability by enhancing their elastic limits, in particular via high carbon levels, which increases their electrical resistivity.

Projection Welding of Fasteners (nuts, screws, bolts, etc.)
In the automotive industry, projection welding of fasteners is ruled by dedicated specifications. Stationary machines still being popular for OEMs and Tiers Ones, the use of robot weld guns now presents new significant benefits.

Aluminium Resistance Spot Welding
Several different types of alloys are used in BIW (body in white) construction, mainly from the 5xxx and 6xxx series. Depending on the applications, they can take the form of sheets, mould castings or extruded strips. They can be used in most parts of bodies, closures and battery casings.

Heterogeneous Assemblies (mixed materials)
The growing diversity of materials used for motor vehicle bodies raises the question of heterogeneous assemblies (steel / aluminium, steel / carbon fibre, steel / plastic, etc.). It is always possible to use resistance welding, subject to using a steel element, which is either inserted in the part beforehand (aluminium sheet, cast aluminium, carbon fibre, plastic part) or positioned on the production line at the last moment. The slug is then welded to the steel part. This process is called REW (Resistance Element Welding).

Our Products
Integrierte Transformator-Schweißzangen haben die Robotermontagelinien revolutioniert. Zehntausende von ARO Roboterzangen wurden an die weltweite Automobilindustrie geliefert, wo die Marke ARO ein Synonym für Qualität und Innovation ist.

Controls & Software
ARO offers a large range of integrated welding controllers equipped with the latest technology of welding controls. From the standard AC-MFDC cabinets to the advanced concept cabinets (auto-adaptive).

ARO entwickelt und fertigt eine eigene Reihe von Transformatoren, Servomotoren und elektronischen Steuerungen, da sie die wesentlichen Bestandteile des Widerstandsschweißprozesses darstellen

Welding Peripherals
A large range of accessories and peripherals, reliable and high performance, they become the elements that you cannot do without when implementing global welding solutions.

Welding Consumables
ARO offers a diverse range of electrodes for all welding applications. Different shapes and materials to perform high quality welds even under most severe conditions. ARO also offers a wide range of straight and bent cap adaptors, designs and manufactures specific parts upon request.