General Industry

With many manufacturers depending on highest reliability projection, spot, seam and butt welding, ARO products are found in many  industries throughout the world particularly in the aerospace, the railway and white goods sectors.

In today’s highly competitive manufacturing landscape, companies are constantly looking for ways to improve their processes and overall efficiency.

One of these methods that has gained popularity in recent years is resistance welding.

Modern manufacturers have found a reliable and efficient way to assemble metal components through resistance welding, offering many advantages and applications.

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Our Products

Stationäre Schweißmaschinen

ARO bietet eine große Auswahl an Lösungen für Punkt-, Rollnaht-, Stumpf- und Buckelschweißanwendungen. Hergestellt aus Standardmodulen, werden diese Maschinen in minimaler Zeit für die perfekte Kostenkontrolle zusammengebaut.

Manual Weld Guns

ARO ist innovativ, indem sie manuelle Lösungen für SERVO vorschlägt. Die Servo-Technologie bringt all ihre starken Vorteile - hohe Leistung, Kosteneffizienz und höchste Zuverlässigkeit - in den manuellen Schweißbetrieb ein. Fortan von der Automobilindustrie anerkannt, werden die Servo-Schweißzangen fast zu 100 % für die Roboteranwendungen verwendet.


Integrierte Transformator-Schweißzangen haben die Robotermontagelinien revolutioniert. Zehntausende von ARO Roboterzangen wurden an die weltweite Automobilindustrie geliefert, wo die Marke ARO ein Synonym für Qualität und Innovation ist.

Controls & Software

ARO offers a large range of integrated welding controllers equipped with the latest technology of welding controls. From the standard AC-MFDC cabinets to the advanced concept cabinets (auto-adaptive).

Welding Peripherals

A large range of accessories and peripherals, reliable and high performance, they become the elements that you cannot do without when implementing global welding solutions.

Welding Consumables

ARO offers a diverse range of electrodes for all welding applications. Different shapes and materials to perform high quality welds even under most severe conditions. ARO also offers a wide range of straight and bent cap adaptors, designs and manufactures specific parts upon request.


ARO entwickelt und fertigt eine eigene Reihe von Transformatoren, Servomotoren und elektronischen Steuerungen, da sie die wesentlichen Bestandteile des Widerstandsschweißprozesses darstellen

Mobile Schweißgeräte

The ARO mobile welding product range was developed with the automotive motor body repair (MBR) market firmly in mind. Today, ARO continues to innovate, providing solutions for higher production through the provision of the multi-function equipment and lower operating costs demanded by today’s automotive repair market.


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General Industry



General Industry

Wherever metal components need to be joined for manufacture or repair, ARO has the products to deliver safe, efficient and environmentally friendly welding systems.

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ARO supplies resistance welding technology and control systems to the automotive industry worldwide. A large range of welding solutions and expertise for robotic, manual or stationary process, applying to mass production, low production, prototyping of parts made of steel (MS, HSS, AHSS, PHS) or Aluminium (sheets, extruded, casting).

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Designed and qualified for Aerospace industry standards, stationary machines for seam welding and spot welding offer all the benefits of resistance welding in terms of quality, robustness, strength, aspect, cycle time and cost effiency...

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