Stationary Machine for Spot Welding
Stationary Machine
Being a relative simplicity spot welding can soon become complex due several factors, starting by the specificity of the part itself, its design, the welding strength and aspect required, and the production cycle time expected. the machines can be:
- AC or MFDC for the welding current.
- Servo (equipped with force sensor for force control and monitoring) or Pneumatic for the welding force for the Omega, P, and MOS series.
- Several options are available
Machines Qualified for Aerospace industry spot welding standards
Resistance spot welding welding isruled by “Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace Applications” that defines the clear conditions of use and the weld quality expectations.
Designed For Aerospace Industry Qualified for Aerospace industry standards Includes:
- Servo and MFDC technology;
- Force profiles; Current control and regulation;
- Traceability with all measurement / data recording for each weld.
- Machine qualified according to the Aerospace related norms. Qualified for Aluminium / Titanium / Stainless steel grades.
Our Products
Controls & Software
ARO offers a large range of integrated welding controllers equipped with the latest technology of welding controls. From the standard AC-MFDC cabinets to the advanced concept cabinets (auto-adaptive).
Welding Consumables
ARO offers a diverse range of electrodes for all welding applications. Different shapes and materials to perform high quality welds even under most severe conditions. ARO also offers a wide range of straight and bent cap adaptors, designs and manufactures specific parts upon request.
Welding Peripherals
A large range of accessories and peripherals, reliable and high performance, they become the elements that you cannot do without when implementing global welding solutions.
ARO entwickelt und fertigt eine eigene Reihe von Transformatoren, Servomotoren und elektronischen Steuerungen, da sie die wesentlichen Bestandteile des Widerstandsschweißprozesses darstellen
Stationäre Schweißmaschinen
ARO bietet eine große Auswahl an Lösungen für Punkt-, Rollnaht-, Stumpf- und Buckelschweißanwendungen. Hergestellt aus Standardmodulen, werden diese Maschinen in minimaler Zeit für die perfekte Kostenkontrolle zusammengebaut.